
Sunday, July 18, 2010


Name: Katy
Middle name: Emma
Last name: Hernandez
Birthday: August 30, 2006
Age: 3 turning 4 soon
Where we got her: We rescued her when she was really sick at the shelter.
Favorite thing to do: Go on walks and play with dog toys.
Color of fur: White and brown
Color of eye: Brown
Color of skin: Pink and Brown
Type of dog: Terrier and poodle mixed / teripoo
DOES she like other dogs?: some mostley not
DOES she like people?: YES
Does she like people or dogs better: people


Well as you can see in these pictures above, my dog is good at modeling in front of the camra!!!! It is usally hard to take a good picture, like these of a dog! But it isn't she is just very still when it comes to the camra, she just stands still in a good posision for the camra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dog Katy did something ...

A couple weeks ago my dog, ate a lizard so here is the story of HOW it happened!!!!

I was on a walk with my mom, and dog. On the way home from our walk, I saw a lizard, and my dog didn't! It was a big lizard to like 5 inchs long and 1 inch wide!!! Then i thought Katy/my dog wasn't going to eat it, I thought she was just going to chase it. So I said to her " katy look a lizard and pointed to it! But then she chased it then ..... caught it by the tail and started chewing it!!!!

WELL THAT WAS THE SHORT STORY OF HOW SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Don't do this to your dog at home if you have one!!!


Katy my dog has been very hiper lately! Like she won't eat her morning breakfast until she goes for a 1 mile run! And sometimes in the morning she begs for food and we put it in her bowl, but she doesn't eat it!!!!!!! SHE IS SUCH A WINNEY PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1